The Office of the COE is headed by the Controller of Examinations assisted by Assistant Controller of Examinations, Administrative Assistants, and Supporting Staff members. The Controller will carry out his duties under the direct supervision, direction, and guidance of the Principal and CEO.
The COE adopts and implements Outcome Based Education (OBE) with an emphasis on developing a modern education system, as well as the Continuous Assessment Tests of various programmes, administered according to the academic timetable.
The Office of the Controller of Examinations is equipped with all the facilities such as computers, strong room, copiers, printers, latest COE software and adequate staff to conduct the examinations. In order to maintain the confidentiality, dummy number system is introduced in answer scripts. A well–planned academic calendar is prepared for each semester which schedules the examinations. Evaluation is strictly based on continuous assessments. Faculty members can enter the internal assessment marks in the COE software, as per the schedule announced by the COE, at the beginning of each semester. The Components of the internal assessment such as tests, assignments, term papers etc. are planned in the regulations. Students have the facility to see their internal marks through individual student login system. The main key feature of COE is to improvise the quality of examination and evaluation so as to ensure the credibility of examination system.
Collecting student biodata and creating a nominal roll by mapping courses for the current semester
Preparing timetables, exam schedule, hall allocations, invigilation duties and seating arrangements for Continuous Internal Assessments (CIA)
Collecting question papers from departments, printing and disseminating them for the CIA tests
After the examination, the answer books are distributed to the appropriate departments, and facilitate the entry of each and every CIA and assignment marks then and there in the examination management software through the personal internal log in
The final internal marks are auto generated and the hardcopies will always be verified by the respective course handling faculty members before each end semester examinations for all theory and practical courses
Collecting the schedule of practical examinations from all departments and internal/external examiners are appointed for practical examinations based on their experience by the COE
Attendance proforma is collected from all departments and the eligible students' list for the end semester examinations will be prepared after releasing the debarred and discontinued candidates' list with the approval of Principal, CEO and Dean
Any Guidelines, Circulars, Orders, or Notifications received by the College from DOTE/AU are processed in the COE office, and a response is prepared after discussing with the COE/Principal and dispatched to the University
Issuing Hall Tickets and Grade Sheets
Providing Duplicate copies if needed, after getting prior approval
If there are any malpractices, the Malpractice Enquiry Committee will analyse the issues and strictly pass the charge sheets
Providing a complete guidance on student certificate verification process